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5 star review (insomnia), Souls and Spirits

Writer's picture: mitsunymitsuny

Hello! It’s been two months since the lock down has begun. No one enjoys this situation and stress level could be high in it.

I am offering stress releasing spa in virtual. This is virtual spa that feels like went to spa without going there. You know, subconscious is very powerful so we use it. As I say, subconscious state visits us randomly a few times a day. Without it, we use only around 5% of our brain in our conscious, normal state. This is science.

In the subconscious, randomly visits us a few times a day, we can use up to 95% of our brain and our brain operating speed would be 1,000,000 times faster than usual (conscious). This subconscious happens to us when we are relaxed in body and mind. This is science too. There is a way of thinking for us to use this superpower to do something great to ourselves. In the sense, subconscious shouldn’t be a random occurence so we can use the technique of induction to make it happen to improve ourselves and it is called actually hypnosis, the induced subconscious state.

In the subconscious, you can feel like being in spa without going to spa. Contact me for details.

Today, I want to introduce 5 star review I lately received. If you want to read the original review on Yelp, click here. **************** Wendy L. New York, NY ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/9/2020 I have heard a lot of good things about hypnosis. After suffering years of chronic insomnia and depression, I was desperate to try anything that can potentially help. I don’t care if it is real or fake, I just did not want to continue to live under the shadows of insomnia and depression. 

My Insomnia:  I have suffered from insomnia for about 3-4 years or so, sleeping at most 3-4 hours a night. There are many many nights, I cannot sleep at all. During the worst time, I couldn’t sleep for 3 days straight! I will never ever forget that hellish feeling and those experiences that led me to it. I tried two kinds of prescription pills. One totally failed to work. The other one stopped working after the 1st time. So I gave up on prescription pills. 

My first session with Mitsu After the first session with Mitsu, I went home and slept better that day. After that, I immediately booked a 6 full package session with her. Because I feel very confident that it will help me with my insomnia. That was exactly what happened.  I am going to skip all the details of my hypnosis sessions. Some of the stuff that came out changed my perception of reality forever. You have to be open to experience the hypnosis yourself. Overall, it felt like some super heavy junks were lifted from my soul. My healing journey did not stop with Mitsu. After that, I tried Reiki (also first heard about it from Mitsu). I continued to explore different modalities of healing.  Since I first met Mitsu, I now felt like I have been reborn as a person. I also felt like Mitsu was the first human being that guided me to the path of healing. Thank you! **************

Thank you so much! I always appreciate the reviews! I say, hypnosis is based on science and subconscious is the last frontier for humans to evolve. At least, in this cutting edge science.

And it is totally waste that we actually use only 5% of our brain in our conscious (normal state).

We should use all of our own ability to evolve and contribute to the world. And it is possible. As I said, induction makes subconscious usage possible whenever we want to and whatever we want to achieve. It is called hypnotherapy.

It doesn’t only solve our problems, but also we can extend our ability and possibility.

Hypnotherapy can make it possible and effective on changing our values and perception with using the subconscious power we naturally have in us. It is about science.

However some clients of mine are lead to have spiritual awakening because of the experiences that they have.

That is just because right now a lot of spirituality can be explained within science. In the past, regretfully speaking, spirituality was just one of those superstition or silly facts.

However science and spirituality are merging. For example, we found micro level of reduction of our weight when we die in our cutting edge scale system.

It might be weight of life is lifted because of death, people say. The weight of “life”, “soul”, “spirit” or “energy”.

We call it in many ways but I mostly call it “energy”.

In this observation, “energy” comes out from our body when our life ends. It seems that way. In other ways, we call this kind of energy, “ghost” or “force” or “energy”.

In the way, the soul, life or energy can be recycled or not? I say yes because why not? Then definitely we could be talking about reincarnation.

Scientifically energy is explained as vibrations in us, 40 trillion micro cells and each one of them is vibrating when it is alive. And we are releasing the vibrations from our bodies and it is called energy.

We human adults don’t see energy so much, however animals are different from us. Animals see and feel energies amongst us.

It is well known that animals feel something before earthquake or some natural disaster or family dynamics within family members and the ability is relating to pineal gland, it is usually called “the third eye” located in the center of our forehead.

Pineal gland is still active in animals and also in human children up to 10 years old. That is why children can feel energy more sensitively than adults. Furthermore, human children have different brain waves up to 7 years old from any other age ranged beings.

It makes sense. I know that perception and values in us are fixed up to roughly 10 years old. We say in Japanese, “3 year old spirits live up to 100 years old.” So we need extra power to change our already established values and perception later than the age. We have very difficult habits to kick such as addictions. They come back even they seem to be gone in rehab once so as “diet” or any other habits, rebound is very common.

A mechanism of addiction is not just about chemical reactions in the addicts. Actually we are trying to lift our depressive mood with using something we love.

Depressive mood comes from our own perception and values. It is our own negative energy called also stress. To lift the heaviness, we need something we love to use such as alcohol, cigarets, drugs, food and so on.

As I say, a lot of us gain weight when we quit smoking. At the first place, we use cigarets to relief our negativity and stress but we should use something else when the nicotine is taken away from us.

Normally we go for eating when smoke is gone. Some people say that they feel tasty about food because they quit smoking though probably they just need something else to relief themselves.

Our negativity comes from mainly the past experiences, I say. This is psychology too.

Lately we say having high vibration, low vibration or something like that. We are positive in high vibration and not positive in low vibration.

In high vibration, we communicate with our own higher self, which is relating to whatever above us. Higher self means that yourself in higher vibration and mostly subconscious state. In the subconscious (higher self, higher vibration), we communicate with whatever the existence above us. Some people call it god, some say heaven, or some say the Universe.

In other words, in our lower vibration, we are negative and don’t have so much

communication with “the above”. We are most positive when we are strongly connected with “the above” too.

Whatever that is, “the above” makes us positive in the sense.

In other way to say, we were born positive. However we mold ourselves to fit into this social standards, limitations and rules and we slow ourselves down day by day.

A new born babies are innocent and seem fearless. They challenge without hesitation. However one day, they fall and after that, they try not to fall again because it was painful. This is defense mechanism that we have. We are born to avoid pain and death. Not only humans but also any creature works the same way. The defense mechanism is always there for us to keep passing on our DNA and avoid death and extinction.

Because of defense mechanism, we have social standards, rules and limitations. Without them, it would be chaotic and difficult to survive. That is why social systems and standards are there to protect us too. Whatever we do, we have manuals. About relationships, we have manuals how to get a perfect partner in the safest way.

We follow whatever feels safe and stay away from people who potentially hurt us.

Whoever makes you safe, you should be with. When the person hurts you, he/she is out of your life. In the sense, it is not about love or passion any more. It is matching and managing within safety net. We have long lists of signs if your partner truly loves you or not too to avoid to be alone again because it is painful.

I say what about love? Love may not be convenient like feeling safe all the way. Love can hurt you though it is attraction between the beings in the soul level, right?

In the social standards, it doesn’t work the way that we just should follow our hearts because we just think and expect painful ending in the sense.

Our norm and mission changed into risk free oriented and we came very far from ourselves as newborns with courage and passion following instinct.

However I believe, we should be who we are as the way we were born. The innocence with the full of challenge spirits and fearless to fail, the kind of soul that we were given at the first place when we came to this world. The soul would lead us to greater success.

We know that successful people are different from standard. Of course, if they are completely standard, they must have standard life style.

They tend to believe in themselves and follow their dreams and passion. They accomplish their own wild dreams and seem like they don’t care about anything else.

Those spirits may look like very childish and selfish so others think that they are crazy.

I also believe that the creator of this world and the universe didn’t intend to fail. With all the efforts, it created the universe so it intended to succeed. It intended to make it good, of course. We challenge, fail and get hurt. Why do they happen to us? Is it punishment?

What is punishment then? Punishment is to let the person know of wrong doings and correct the way of doing in the future.

I don’t believe that the creator is narrow minded and just enjoys watching people suffer. The purpose should be making this world better place. To do so, it makes us realize right or wrong for us to be better beings. In the human evolution, we followed our instinct and became humans rather than apes.

However we built up the society based on our own defense mechanism and playing safe too. I hope that we still have courage to challenge and follow our passion even though we get hurt sometimes.

If we play too safe, we would stop challenging. If we don’t challenge, there wouldn’t be remarkable success after all.

Have a wonderful day!

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