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A victorious person

Writer's picture: mitsunymitsuny


It has been over two months since the lockdown took place and we all are needed to have adjustment in this life style.

If you could use some relaxation, you could try "virtual spa" experience in my Skype session. This virtual spa experience is to feel like you went to spa without actually going to spa and it is very effective.

The reasons to feel like very real is all about your emotional state of Subconscious. In conscious (normal state), we use only around 5% of our brain. However in subconscious, we use up to 95% of our brain and our brain operating speed would be 1,000,000 times faster than usual (conscious) state.

Whatever the experience including relaxation you have in the subconscious will feel like much more realistic and effective than the ones experienced in your conscious.

Have a try today! I am looking forward to giving you the amazing spa experience! And also I have a new website opened. If you are not reading this column in the new website, please click here . This website is bilingual of Japanese and English.

As I mentioned, the lockdown is stretching over 2 months in New York and major systems including courts are closed except for the cases to threaten people's lives like restraining orders.

It is a big deal for people who are relating to any legal issues in this period and they could be frustrated when they can't punish or sue people who they believe should be punished.

It must be stressful for them the court cases are on halt like this. I had some interesting conversation with someone relating to the issue the other day so I wanted to share it with you today.

In this situation, there is nothing we could do no matter how much stress we have, we can't pursue our law suits because the courts are closed.

In the sense, it is waste for any of us to feel stressed out. No matter how much negative feelings we brew in us, nothing is going to move on.

We could keep brewing the stress and hating the situation and the opponent everyday. However what for? Because our negative feelings wouldn't actually put any effects on the opponent at all.

Your hatred wouldn't correct the opponent's behaviors or even thoughts anyway. However anyway we tend to hate the opponent and also stressed out with the situation.

However, again, what for? Your negative feelings (energy) may go against you because the opponent could become more defensive or even more aggressive to respond to your negative energy.

When someone hates you or tries to damage you, you will definitely try to protect yourself. If the hatred and aggressiveness towards you is not significant, you could ignore though you will have to go at them when the attack becomes significantly offensive.

You don't want anyone come at you in full strength even when the person is not even powerful at all because the situation could be much more troublesome in the sense.

I say, our opponent would be super defensive and come at us when we say to destroy it, like the COVID-19. No one wants to be destroyed anyway including virus.

That is why the virus changed the formats and versioned itself up already. It is the new virus form, is it? Because we beat the previous version.

It is instinct of any life to survive. Survival is our, all of lives' mission and agenda. We will do anything to survive as our nature.

We couldn't beat roaches and mice. Any life is there to survive and resist any of harms to it. Our mission is to carry on our DNA so we are here to avoid death.

Some scientists already said that there wouldn’t be eradication of the virus. The more we try to eradicate, they will try to survive even harder. That is life’s nature and it always finds ways to survive.

Of course, we have to survive too and it is so sad that people suffer or die from the virus. That is why we do everything we can do to protect ourselves right now at this moment.

However it doesn’t have to be a battle. In this natural world, it should a process of natural selection laws and co-existence.

More importantly, the situation wouldn’t be better when we have negativity or hatred in us to deal with the issue. If our hatred and sadness are worth to feel if they make things better, but not.

Hatred wouldn’t hurt the person who you hate. Hatred would hurt you because you are holding it in you.

Hatred never feels you good and holding onto the feeling negatively impacts your life time to time to your emotional and also physical well being.

In the sense, hurting person is not just yourself. People around you will have negative impacts too.

You don’t feel well at the first place with your own hatred and affects anyone around you energy wise.

You are not in good mood because of your own hatred and not only energy wise, but also you could be grumpy and might have some burst like yelling at people in your daily life.

For example, hating your own president wouldn’t hurt him though you are not feeling well everyday and very likely feeling much worse than him.

You can chose not to vote him again when you don’t like what he does for this country, however, your hatred wouldn’t do much to him in daily basis, I say.

Of course we all have preferences and tastes. However there is no anything good or benefits to hate someone or even something.

In fact, the more people or things you don’t like, the further your life is away from comfort.

In the result, it seems like that people and things you don’t like are actually controlling your wellness and emotions in your daily life.

Your un-favorite president seems like controlling your emotional and also physical wellness. Isn’t it nonsense?

We need to focus on something or someone we love rather than we hate, don’t we?

We feel better when we think of something or someone we love for sure.

And it is called positive thinking that we focus on positives in our lives.

Positive thinking and attitude are not lives or thinking patterns without problems at all.

Positive thinking and attitude are the ones to pay attention to some good (positives, something and someone that we love) amongst all of the things happening or people we have in our lives.

Please don’t say, “ I have such things going on so it is impossible…”. Please just stop focusing on “such things”.

I am not saying that not to deal with the problems. Dealing with the problems with our own best ability should be done first, of course.

And, we all should take the focus off from “such things” as soon as we do our best working on the issues because after all, doing our own best is the only thing that we can ever do to deal with the problems.

The sooner, we can take the focus off, the less our daily stress gets everyday.

I mentioned that courts are closed in New York so we can’t punish anyone we want to punish in these days.

Then what if the courts were opened?

We still could do our best everyday, whatever we can do to the problems but nothing else, couldn't we? Then we should take the focus off from the problems as soon as possible when we dealt with them, shouldn’t we?

Just because we really don't have control over the results of court cases or procedures of court cases as well as other things in this world. It is unusual for us to be able to have full control in our lives.

We don't have a good life because we can't control our life? First of all, a life is given.

The life is a gift. We can't have full control on gifts, can we?

If surprise gifts or not, gifts are gifts. The sender wouldn't appreciate your attitude if you are not grateful. We can fully be happy with jut the fact that something was given to us.

We went through one in the millions chances to be here. It is amazing fortunate for us to be here today. Nothing but incredible luck.

Life is like a box of chocolate. You wouldn't know what comes out until you open it. It is a famous line in the movie of "Forrest Gump".

You may not like the flavor when you put one in your mouth. However sometimes, you just can get your most favorite flavor just in the best timing.

When you believe that you are lucky, you always can believe the outcome is a happy ending. Whatever the challenge you have, it is all good at the end.

Then you may be thankful for the challenges you got in your life. Challenges got reasons why given to you too. You are going to be better with the challenges so they were given to you.

If you can think of your life in the way, it is called positive thinking. Furthermore, it is "surrender" if you can let go of control in your life. It is like "Omakase" in a very fancy sushi restaurant.

And it is the way to live happily following the universal laws. There is no control over your life then, you really shouldn't try to control. Hope that it makes sense.

If you try to control, you must be greatly disappointed when your plan didn't come true. You may have grudge on people or things. If you give control up, you don't have to have any grudge on anyone or anything after all.

It was something like that the conversation I had with the person. At the end, she could change her thinking and attitude because she understood hatred wouldn't do anything good for her and her loved ones.

I was so glad and surprisingly she told me that I was victorious. I just wanted her to let go of her stress and hatred and those doings were for her own good.

Being victorious is possible everyday. You don't have to be a millionaire or famous in this materialistic world.

It is about emotional fulfillment, which is happiness. Successful to live happily, I say. Because after all that is all we want but millions or fame.

I was laughing and told her that she was the only one person calls me victorious because I am just a single mother and never been on CNN and ended the conversation. I was still so glad.

And the truth is, nothing changed in her situation before the conversation and after it. Nothing changed in her legal situation at all. However she was happier and seemed to have a peace of mind.

This is an example the situation never decides if you are happy or not.

You can change your life today. If you need some assistance, please contact me!

Have a wonderful day!

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