I have been talking about religions, culture and also human emotions.
As I practice in New York City, I have to have a lot of experience of knowing different cultural backgrounds and religions.
That is New York City, it is that a lot of people bring different cultural backgrounds from all over the world and co-exist.
There is no immunity to emotional issues and it is universal no matter what race and ethnicity.
Yes, I believe that religion and culture have impact on our mind sets though human minds still have same functions and those universal even in different cultures.
Malice, anger, sadness, making mistakes, and consequential guilt and regret along the events and decisions in our lives.
Joy of love, pursuit of desire, undying desire, dependence, depression, anxiety, fear and etc.
Variety of emotions and actions, actions and thoughts give us results and consequences and those are sometimes called “success” and sometime “failure” in each occasion.
“Success” and “failure” give us emotions again.
In the last week columns, I mentioned whatever the usuals in our childhood become our standards.
For example, as violence and war happened in the childhood to some people and it is true at this moment, it is still happening to some people in this world.
Some of them were lucky enough to run away from the chaos and came to New York City.
Even though their standards became violence and war, it doesn’t stop them want peace in their lives at all.
In the sense, there are journeys for them to pursue peace and true happiness and accept them as their new standards.
I wrote some cases of people that pursued their happiness in my book, “Rules for Success ― How to live happily” published in January 2020.
If you are interested, please get a copy at Amazon. Simply click here to take a look.
Yes, whatever the culture you were in and violence was usual, we still have same type of emotional reaction to it such as getting hurt sometimes a lot.
It doesn’t matter the nationality and cultural differences.
Guilt, punishment, blame and regret are common negative feelings we develop in our daily life.
No matter what nationality you are and culture you are at. Humans and also some animals have those.
The face when it makes mess on a beautiful carpet, sad and guilty face of your dog. So cute and you must forgive it because you love it.
Not only natural feelings and emotional reactions, but also we may feel guilt and punishment based on our own interpretations of religions.
I believe that religions are made for humans to keep our own goodness going everyday.
In the sense, some religions have concepts of sin and punishments to keep our faithful path and our goodness in us.
I personally believe that religions support to make the universal laws effective in their power too.
I don’t really say which one is greater or anything or I don’t deny any of them either.
Of course our purpose here on the earth is for ourselves to be happy so everyone including universal laws and religions should be working on the agenda.
We should use every available resources when our agenda is big.
If you are religious, you should use the power to be happy, if you believe in universal laws, you should follow your own higher self to live happily with yourself and also for the others.
We are all here to be positive or creating something beautiful in many ways and we are using powers of whatever available for ourselves.
I believe that it is great for you to be religious and happy or believe only science and happy too.
In some religions, it is true that there is concepts of punishments for us to maintain our goodness and dignity, so as human minds.
It is also psychology though there is very effective systems of punishments such as imprisonments and also death penalty if you don’t follow the laws, which enforces us for our own safety in our society.
I say that we can maintain our rights and safety because of the law enforcement system, which means watching over us and punish the offenders.
We wouldn’t need the punishments if we could maintain our safety on our own though in real world, we need punishments for ourselves in the current systems too.
In the most sophisticated society, we have punishments effective so it tells us that we have some difficulty to maintain our goodness and dignity without punishments.
I will talk about what makes difficult for us to maintain our goodness and a role of religion in tomorrow’s column.
Have a wonderful day!!