Do you think strange things happen to specific people? I actually do. Strange things happen to me and some people believe that I have dramatic life too.
As I mentioned, I am from a very small town in Japan far from Tokyo and somehow I ended up with New York and live here with my family.
A lot of people have stayed in the same town that I was born. Everyone knows everyone in the town too.
I was probably unusual as a child. I was hiding it and pretended like pretty usual but I don’t think I was successful.
I have some clients who had same types of childhood experience as mine as they tried to blend into others in small towns and ended up with New York City.
I never forgot that I wrote as a 3rd grader that I was going to marry to a foreigner and have a boy and girl twins. My classmates laughed at me.
I was pretty serious and never expected that it would be funny at all.
And unbelievably, I was married to a foreigner and divorced and living with my boy and girl twins in New York City now.
I don’t know why I wrote it though I just thought so and wrote. The reason why I thought of it was the idea was just in me.
I believe that it is called “subconscious” or “higher self” that I know now.
I didn’t think of situation or anything though I was given a writing assignment so I expressed my thoughts.
I believe that I always followed my ideas and prioritized my own inside voice rather than looked around and doing the same as others. I was always imagining inside me.
I never thought that I will be funny in the sense.
I guess that I had different senses from others.
However I hadn’t thought of the foreigner and twins since the 3rd grade, at least in my conscious. I didn’t feel heart broken or dream broken at all when I got married to a Japanese man in Japan.
However I realized that those steps were taken pre-cautiously anyway. My first husband won Fulbright scholarship and got a position at MIT.
Since it was first time for me to live in the US and saw possibility for me to pursue my career in my life, it was hard for me to go back to be a house wife without career in Japan.
I decided to divorce and it hit me like thunder because I had never though that I would divorce in my life.
However my decision was firm and expected to be alone in single in my whole life then with tears.
In the result, my second husband was an alumni of MIT and we met in Tokyo and got married shortly after.
He was 13 years younger than me so I wasn’t expecting to marry him at all. And people around me were pretty much against us because he was American and much younger than me.
No one understood me anyway.
Even in the first divorce, a lot of oppositions were around me. My first husband had the highest education from a top college in Japan so people told me that he and I anyway were not good match so he should leave me.
I actually wanted divorce though a lot of people said otherwise.
A few years ago, I got to know my horoscope was pretty unusual. As you know, some people take astrology very serious and some president of the US took advice from an astrologist.
Birth chart is calculated carefully time and the place at birth and everything.
I got to know that my birth chart is called “Grand Cross” and some stars are casted in 4 different houses in there taking a position like crossing each other.
My chart looks like a cross because some stars take positions each other in 90, 180 and 270 degrees each other.
In the kind of chart, taking position of 180 degrees each other manifest opposite types of characteristics of those stars in the same person so the person has contradicted personality and also unusual life.
Not only astrology, but also in famous fortune telling and chart of Kazuko Hosoki, I was born in the worst cycle of my life and supposed to have an unusual life in the sense.
In numerology, I got two master numbers in my birth chart, someone told me and unusual too.
It was strange sometimes, in my childhood as I drew some spiritual traditional lottery at a Japanese shrine once, I drew worst luck four times in a row then.
In my childhood, a famous American psychic was on Japanese TV and told us to bring broken clock and the clock suddenly started working when he cued. I also knew the random number when he telepathically send from TV too.
I had some strange events in my life and today something strange happened again so I am writing about it tomorrow.
Have a wonderful day!
