It was warm in 70 today in New York City. I enjoyed tights free legs once in a while. How are you?
I feel like everyday I learn something. Lately I thought of Corona Virus. I have lots of clients who feel so anxious with the virus. In New York, some infected people were found and schools may be closed in the near future that people are saying.
I am not sure why the virus is such a fear though it is treated as a big deal as media brings it so big.
People ask me if I am worried but I am not. My ex-husband asked me too and I said no.
Then he asked me if I suggest my children to wash their hands and I said of course. Optimism is very different from recklessness, right?
I don’t know much about the virus though probably the odds to be infected are as low as winning a lottery?
It depends on which lottery though it is probably like that. However I never run into someone planning what to do with money when they win lottery though people are worried about the virus.
Isn’t it something wrong? Same kinds of odds though we feel like getting sick but we wouldn’t win a lottery ever ?
Some may notice that we have only a few people who think something great happen to them while a lot of people think that bad things happen to them.
It is famous that Mr. Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic asked if they were lucky or not in the job interviews for his company.
He hired only applicants who answered that they were lucky. Do you feel lucky?
Mr. Matsushita believed that he was lucky too. The reason was unique. He was about to be drowned once however he survived because it was summer so the water wasn’t cold.
It might be strange if you feel lucky with the experience of being drowned. Everyone feels strange though I believe that he was very lucky because he didn’t die.
Why lots more people think that bad things happen to them?
This is about positive thinking right? If you can believe that good things happen to you or not.
In the sense, there are many more negative people than positive ones, I say.
In fact, human brain naturally remembers bad things more than good things because of our built in defense mechanism.
For any creature, death is the worst because we carry our precious DNA to the next generations to pass on. To avoid death, we have innate defense mechanism in us.
By the way, some people come to me to erase their fear. However it is impossible to erase the feeling of fear in them.
Because fear is working in the system of defense mechanism and without fear, we can get killed any minutes.
We need fear not to get ourselves killed quickly so we can’t erase our fear or we wouldn’t want to erase our fear. Trust me, you don’t want to climb up to the high building without fear, right? Fear actually protects us.
However living in the fear everyday is not good for our body and mind. Like PTSD, those people are living in the fear everyday basically, technically they don’t know the danger is the past in deeper level.
Not only fear but also anxiety or any other kinds of negative feelings naturally come to us and we can’t avoid them either. However if you live with negative feelings everyday, hypnotherapy can help you.
The defense mechanism not to get ourselves killed, the mission for us to go on without death will make us remember negative events much better than the positive ones.
We can remember positive events and that’s wonderful though I must say that the priority is much lower than the purpose of protecting our lives as the life forces.
Our brain works great so we will never walk in a darkness once after we got attacked by a tiger in the same darkness.
We will never forget the fear of life threatening events because of our defense mechanism. Because we have to remember it precisely and deeply to avoid the same type of situation happen to us again.
Not only death, but also any pain including heartache. Deceived, heart broken, betrayed, then we decide strongly not to trust anyone ever again or not to fall in love again.
Our nature just tells us not to taste the pain again.
As a matter of fact, in our lives, probably, good and bad things happened in the odds of 50 and 50. However how many of us feel that way?
Because we remember bad events much better so we naturally believe that bad things happen to us a lot more than good things.
Thus in fact, being positive living in our life is actually a challenging task for us and going against our own nature.
Going back to the topic of Corona Virus. I was given a mask at my doctor’s visit, I couldn’t get hand sanitizer any where in my daily life.
I asked an Uber driver how their business was. Seemed like they do well because some people already gave up on train ride because of the virus.
I started talking to him that it would be a quite experience if we get Corona Virus. In the hypothetical situation, I said I would tell my friends, ” you know what, I got Corona Virus.”
Friends would be terrified. Then I would tell them, “I am ok, it wasn’t that bad.”. He and I were laughing and talking.
Are we crazy or not?
I must say that we have no idea who to get Corona Virus or not. In the well known “laws of attraction”, we have to believe that we are not going to get the virus to avoid to get it, right?
However I don’t believe that laws of attraction work in the way either anyway.
It is more like, we have no idea who to get the virus, that means that we don’t have any control over it at all.
Not only the virus but also other things such as work go well, can get married or not, or other events in our lives.
We don’t have control over anything in this universe, do we?
However somehow, we feel like we control a lot of things. In this modern world, we have technologies and so on so we thought we could control a lot of things.
We got remote controllers, buttons to press, air conditioning, heating and others. In the past, we endured a lot of inconvenience without heating system and so on though not any more.
We got technologies and got some opportunities to control some of our world in the sense.
Then somehow we misunderstood that we could control everything. And now we get in shock to know that we can’t control people’s minds such as making someone like you.
We have lots of information too and possibly to know how to manipulate to make someone like us. Stalkers, or sickly jealous persons or people who can’t accept the fact that the person doesn’t like us anyway and we can’t control our targeted person.
We feel strange because TV will be turned on when we press the button. However our person doesn’t like us, or we can’t be rich, or we weren’t born beautiful that we can’t accept.
We get disappointed and upset because we realize that we don’t have so much control over our lives.
Then stress kicks in because we can’t control something. That is why it is important to know that we have no control.
Some people would say that they can’t accept that we can’t control.
However we can’t control and lots of things go out of control in this world in fact.
That is the fact and it is all up to you how you feel about being out of control.
I am reminded the story of Mr. Matsushita that he thought he was lucky because he wasn’t really drowned in the water. He believed that he was lucky because of the event.
There is a good reason why things don’t go in the way we planned. That is for us to learn. We take detour any day in our lives for a learning experience.
Made a big mistake, divorced, broke up or so on. Are they really negative? Because things didn’t go in the way we planned?
It is decided that mistakes/failures are bad, divorce is bad, break up is bad. Who decided? Along the perception and values, you could feel very unlucky because you “failed”.
Some people may feel like they learned from mistakes, they are so glad that they got divorced, found true love because of the break up in the past. Yes, they do.
I say that there is no wasteful moments in our lives. So called good things and so called bad things happen to us though it is up to all of us to decide what those events are for us.
We could take all the matters as good things and I believe in the way.
Not only that, but also, we should let go of our desire to control just because we have no control.
Trying to control something when there is no control, it seems like waste, doesn’t it? Furthermore, if we tried, we get stressed for sure.
It is called to let go of control. It is surrender. As a dog, it is one of those poses to show their belly laying on their back.
They show their weak point, the belly when they trust the person they are with, right? Or when they know that they can’t win the opponent. They know from their instinct that fighting the strong opponent is not a good idea so they surrender.
People who let go of control and surrender truly trust themselves or the Master who is controlling this Universe. No one will let someone control when they don’t trust the person.
Those people trust their fate too. They believe that they are safe whatever happens to them.
They believe that those are learning experiences when something unplanned happen to them. And if they truly learn from them, they become better people.
Of course, that is what the Universe wants for us, to be better. Higher vibrations or energy, right?
Going back to Corona again. It is not we are lucky because we don’t get Corona. It is, we are still so lucky if we get Corona because it should be a great learning experience.
We absolutely decided already and fearful about Corona. Our society did. However it is not true for you until you decide so.
It is not just about Corona, but also “failures”, “divorce”, “break-ups” and others that are considered as negative in this world.
If something very inconvenient happen, it got to be a much greater learning experience too.
Nothing is waste in your life. Whatever happens to us had to and have to happen to us. We are given learning experiences so we will get the same experience again and again when we avoid to deal with them or we just don’t like them.
I say, whatever happens to your life, it’s all good! Good luck!
Have a wonderful day!
