You may wonder what kind of people are coming to hypnotherapy sessions. Are they very different from you or not?
What do you think?
Hypnotherapy sounds mysterious? However I can say that hypnotherapy is based on science, safe and effective for sure.
As a therapist who performed therapy in the “Conscious” level in the past, I surely figured the limitation of “Conscious” therapy and looking for more effective therapy available in this world.
I tried EMDR though I wasn’t as impressed I got when I had hypnotherapy first time. I actually tried many energy sessions and therapies for myself in the past.
I haven’t met anything more effective or impressive than hypnotherapy yet.
The encounter to hypnotherapy was because I was afraid of height in Singapore when I lived on the 28th floor without knowing anything about hypnotherapy.
I had to live in Singapore because of US visa issues for adopted children of ours who used to be my sister’s children. They were adopted after my sister passed and I was supposed to live in Singapore in the sense and I was supposed to run into hypnotherapy for reasons I believe in this day.
Life changing experiences happen to people without co-incidence that I believe now because changing the world with using hypnotherapy became my own life mission ever since.
As laws of attractions (Universal Laws) tells us manifestations and attractions or life is incidental, I have to recognize they are true in this day.
Suffering is with learning process and the same type of challenges and suffering come to us until the end of learning process in our lives. The same problems can happen to us again and again until we truly get the point and change our behaviors and mind set.
In the sense, yes, suffering is an illusion because we just have it in our learning processes. In other words, we suffer more when we resist against change in the learning process.
For instance, some people keep falling in love with people who are not available such as married ones. Some of us repeatedly get involved with those people and come to sessions with me for the problems.
Those clients who want to succeed in relationships right?
Of course, we can change the bad patterns in hypnotherapy.
When you wonder, I can explain why hypnotherapy is such a powerful therapy.
I mentioned that I experienced limitation of therapy performed in “Conscious” and yes, it is true. As a therapist, I had to see my clients were lacking major breakthrough in traditional psychotherapy.
In the experience, I came to giving up my career as a psychotherapist even though I earned a Master of Social Work to pursue the career.
I dropped out from my own career as a therapist for 8 years in the time.
The limitation of “Conscious” therapy has reasons such as, humans use only around 5% in our “Conscious” while 95% of it is sleeping.
When we go deeper into our mind, there is “Subconscious” and it makes us use up to 95% of our brain and our brain operating speed 1,000,000 times faster than it in our “Conscious”.
It is the recipients’ brains amazing in “Subconscious” therapy so it is much more effective than the others.
By the way, “Subconscious” is a natural state of ours and it randomly visits us a few times a day. We can induce and make this “Subconscious” happen to people with a technique of inductions whenever we want to use the amazing “Subconscious” state.
When the “Subconscious” state happens to us with inductions, it is already called as “hypnosis” and induction takes only body and mind relaxations.
I use natural wave sounds for body relaxations and for mind relaxation, simply let my clients count numbers backwards.
“Subconscious” is a natural state of mind for us. That is why it is not hard for any of us to go onto the state.
Hypnosis is highly misunderstood in the sense.
Like I said, we make this natural occurring “Subconscious” state happen to someone whenever we want to with using “induction”, then it is already called “hypnosis”.
It is easy to get onto it and it is natural state though it is remarkably powerful, it is. In the state, we can use up to 95% of our brain and brain operating speed will be 1,000,000 times faster than it in “Conscious”.
It depends on the depth though meditation is close to “Subconscious”. Thus we could say that hypnosis is like a very deep meditational state.
In the amazing state of “Subconscious” with its power, if we perform therapy, it is called hypnotherapy.
That is why it is scientific, effective and safe. We just use the natural state of “Subconscious” in the therapy.
Going back to the solution of keep falling in love with unavailable partners. How can we fix those?
I say that every problem has reasons why. Without knowing reasons why, it would be hard to fix the problem.
Every problem has a solution as I heard, because isn’t it reasons why for every problem? Yes, we should be able to solve any problems when we know the causes of them.
Keep falling in love with unavailable partners should have reasons why. I can come up with many possible reasons why so as other therapists.
A lot of therapists would bring up issues of self esteem here.
Low self esteem would bring us undeserving feelings so those individuals may feel like keeping their chances to be emotionally fulfilled low with a great relationship.
When your potential partner was single, you may have more chance to have a serious relationship with them including marriage. However if they are married, the chance would be lower.
Falling in love with unavailable partner suits for people who are not seriously looking into a relationship. It suits to people who just want to observe the love interest from distance.
Furthermore, if you observe, you wouldn’t have a chance to open up yourself to deal with the person in deeper ways.
If there was no real relationship, there is no chance for the person to leave you either. When you just observe, there is no break up for sure.
When the person vanishes in some way, you could still say that you had a chance to be together with the person though they are gone before you do it.
In truth, you might not have courage enough to make a relationship happen although you could say that you could have made it if you tried.
Here is a reason why many people end up without trying to pursue their desires. When we don’t begin, there is no end. Many people got a dream to be a rock star though they easily end up without pursuing it.
However we could say that there is no failure here because we don’t have a failure when we didn’t even try. We just could say that there was possibility…
In short words, many of us can’t take failures so we don’t want to try. We’d rather miss the chance and not to try than taking risk of failures.
Some people get into a relationship with married individuals. Logically their system delivery is the same as the observers because it is just harder to be with unavailable person.
To live together or married, it is harder, I must say. Then the relationship has more chance to end some day even though they feel like being in love, at the same time, they may be feeling like what is going to happen to them when they can actually be together forever one day.
Yes, some people prefer enjoying a fiery affair rather than same old same old boring marriage.
In the case, the person may not believe in true love or believe that they can’t keep a good relationship long time.
They may believe that the love interest would be tired of them or something like that.
Or the partner wouldn’t like you anyway in long term relationship when you open yourself up to them. Self image is so important in many ways, issues relating to self image affects on our personal lives in many ways.
2. Inner Child influence.
Inner Child is a persona that we keep from incidents or events in our childhood. Normally the each persona has strong values and believes learned from the experiences.
We all have living and active Inner Child in us and telling us to do or not to do amazingly affects us in our personal and professional lives in our adult days.
For example, witnessed domestic violence as a child and got strong belief that you are going to be punished when you go against your father, or strong male figure. Or a belief that women have to obey men.
Of course things are not that simple. In every Inner Child, there are a lot more complicated feelings, emotions and issues in him/her.
For example, even though you were a small child as a witness, somehow you felt like you had to stop it. However you couldn’t or didn’t so you could blame yourself for your powerlessness, incapability or even lack of courage.
Or you could even think of being able to prevent it if you were a good child. You could believe in a lot of things and those feelings could be still in you as the ways they are.
Furthermore, low self esteem issue mentioned in 1. could come from this kind of Inner Child issues too.
Because you witnessed domestic violence as a small child, you believed that you were not good enough. Then you may feel undeserving to great joy or happiness so you tend to fall in love with unavailable persons.
Self esteem and deserving feelings are always together. Your success in relationships or even in your professional life would be blocked when you feel like you don’t deserve happiness.
Not only self esteem issues in this matter of falling in love with unavailable person. For instance, you might have waited for your own family member, like your father and got used to the feelings of waiting for your love in the unavailable situations.
You get used to the situations, whatever that is, the situation becomes usual. Waiting for someone who you love and they are not available could become usual concept for you in your life.
You may have your own Inner Child to be waiting for the person still in you everyday.
Trickily, Inner Child issues aren’t solved when you just understand the causes or logics. A lot of people know the incidents, why and all that. However they can’t solve the issues.
Those events are called trauma in psychology. Trauma is events, incidents and feelings that negatively impacted on you in your life so they don’t have to be life threatening incidents.
I have clients of doctors, psychiatrist and so on and they all know their own traumas. However overcoming and solving the trauma is completely different from knowing logics, concepts or even actual events.
When you want to overcome or solve the trauma and also Inner Child issues, you definitely need healings.
Any true healings happen in deeper levels in body and mind. Massage can give you temporary relief though it doesn’t heal the damage so as Inner Child.
Inner Child issues happen in very young age like less than 3 years old. Most of us don’t remember the events in our conscious.
However our brain surely has it because brain reserves all of our memory regardless we can recall it or not in our conscious level.
Yes, you believe that you don’t remember it but your brain has it so it is very tricky. Your memory surely is in your brain and it could be triggered by daily events though you have no idea where the bad feelings come from, that can happen to you.
Trauma scientifically is preserved in deepest region of our brain so surface/conscious level of treatment has challenges to heal it too.
True healing can occur only in “Subconscious” level so it makes sense that receiving treatment with using “Subconscious”.
Consider hypnotherapy to have true healing process because I use “Subconscious” in treatment!
I am offering Skype sessions and in person sessions in New York City!
I am looking forward to working with you!
Have a wonderful day!
