I came across with interesting energy lately so I wanted to write about it. The ideas of forgiveness and justification are two very different energy.
For example when someone forgives you, it doesn’t mean your doing is justified. In extreme, I have some rape victim clients having hard time to let go of negative feelings in them.
I can only assume how terrible that is that someone violates their personal space in a worst way.
I help my clients release negative emotions in them though they feel extremely difficult because they feel like releasing negative feelings would justify the rape.
Of course no way and not even close to justify any of their doings in this sense. Wrong doing is still there no matter what.
However not only holding onto negative feelings would never punish the rapist but also it doesn’t do anything good for the victims either.
Interestingly even apology doesn’t let the victims feelings go when they decide not to let it go.
The negative feelings only hurt the victims so I try to help. That’s why letting go of the feelings is so important for them.
I forgive people relatively easily. I am not sure if the word of forgiveness applies to the action but I try not to hold onto the negative ideas and feelings and release them from myself.
I do it for myself and also people around me counting on me too. Because my hatred or anger, any of those ideas or feelings towards rude people, liars and perpetrators wouldn’t punish those but wouldn’t feel me good at all any day in my life.
I wouldn’t be at my best with my negative feelings in me and it means that people I love and care about would be hurt too.
In the sense of energy, my vibration would go pretty low then so my energy wouldn’t do good to my loved ones.
I don’t think of getting less, losing or anything like that in my forgiving or releasing negative energy in me just because I worked on myself so hard since I ran into hypnosis.
I forgive for myself and others because if I don’t, there is no good for anyone in this world.
However my forgiveness doesn’t justify any of wrong doings of others or even myself’s. I forgive my own mistakes too though my wrong doing is never justified…
To others and myself, I keep telling them and myself not to make wrong doings again. Also when I encounter wrong doing, I’ll never stop pointing out wrong doings to them and I release negativity in me, it means forgive.
It is not easy for me to release or forget someone hurts me in a bad way as you imagine. However regarding this, I became so much better.
I still remember how much grudge I held in my old days and having repetitive thoughts how I can make revenge on them.
I know movies and stories regarding revenge. Countless movies and stories around us describing revenge and some of them are extreme in the degree.
In our society, somehow, holding onto some ideas is described as virtue even when those ideas are negative.
We should all know that having negative energy in us hurts and weighs us down in our daily life.
I remember how tired I was all the time in my old days. I was holding full of negative feelings in me and let them weigh me down everyday. I was always easy to get sick and inactive in those days.
If we don’t release the energy, we would have to warn the violators in harsh ways. In relationships, you may say that you would break up if he/she hurts you ever again.
The longer you hold on the pain, the more chance you become unforgiving. In the cycle, you tend to lose relationships easily.
At the same time, I can’t give up on people I care either. They need to be aware of their wrong doings for them to be better.
You can recall easily of repetitions of telling same topic such as careless words to your partner or children.
However you can never give up on people becoming better especially when you care and love those people.
It is not fun at all to repeat same sentence especially when you get hurt with their careless words…
Love endures and stands, I say.
I forgive my children’s mistakes but I would never stop helping them to be better. I will keep on telling them they are wrong without holding onto the negativity in me.
I forgive without apology too. In small matters, I forgive rude strangers’ wrong doings in public or other places.
If I hold onto the negativity, my day could be ruined so easily.
In my private life, I forgive significant people without apology too because I know that the person feels pretty bad about their wrong doings.
Actually apology doesn’t let people forgive the offenders at all either as I said.
Forgiveness is actually a choice that I make and also others can make too for good. So as accept we can do.
I forgive and accept because only one mistake would never take the person’s other good quality and great doings away from me at all.
That is a part of paying attention to positives too. We can pay attention to negatives and mistakes that people make but that would never feel us happy then at all and that is not living happily either.
Pain only gets bigger in you as you get older and the same pain would make you feel even more unforgiving so I and hypnosis help people to be more forgiving.
Remember you are not losing anything in forgiving but probably forgiving may feel like contributing to repeated offense but it is not true.
Because we pay attention so much to not getting hurt again. The reason why is pain hurt us in the past and we remember them.
We would be able to live happily when we don’t care about pain so much in theory and it is possible.
Everyone is forgiving and generous. That sounds like a happier world to me, don’t you think so?
I personally feel like in school apology is over-rated. I believe that the attitude is personal and some how they try to feel better at the end or justify things there.
I believe that it is more important for us to teach children how to release negativity or not to hold on negative energy.
Forced apology sometimes can traumatize some children in process. They must already know how terrible their doing was or maybe they are innocent.
Forgiving is one of those virtue and it is under-rated now.
Have a wonderful day!

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